Kathryn Stevens

Photo of Kathryn Stevens
Kathryn Stevens

Kathryn Stevens is back with her unique wire crochet jewellery featuring natural gemstones and her delicate signature style.

Viewers of Kat’s work instinctively exclaim, “It’s so pretty!”  Her necklaces, brooches, including her unique nest brooch, pins, and earrings range from casual/funky, to statement pieces, to special-occasion jewellery for weddings and other celebrations. All her pieces feature minerals and gemstones. Kat has a life-long fascination with “pretty rocks”, and her wearable and unique designs are inspired by their colour, shape and sheen.

Stevens’ designs evoke people, places, seasons, music and memories for her. And for her clients too: Kat loves to remake family jewellery into pieces that can be worn every day. She can give a fresh new look to that memory-precious string of mother’s pearls or crystals many have stashed away in jewellery boxes. She welcomes private commissions, which give her the great satisfaction of designing custom pieces tailored to the personality of her client, a special occasion, or as a perfect match for a favourite outfit.