Colin Hamer

Photo of Colin Hamer
Colin Hamer

Colin Hamer grew up in Halifax and became a metallurgical engineer, moving to Ottawa in 1969. After 5 years in the semi-conductor industry, he joined Natural Resources Canada as a scientist. He retired in 1995 and became a full-time pewtersmith.

Colin loves creating pewter hollowware because it combines both beauty and function, which appeals to his artistic and practical sides.  He relishes the challenge of inventing techniques to create something new and enjoys special requests and repairs. Hamer has made trophies for Nepean and items for government gift banks.  

Because pewtersmithing is his joy rather than his livelihood, Colin has the freedom to experiment with new shapes and techniques and finds that each item brings joy in the making.

“I have always felt the need to express myself artistically and have tried various crafts. In 1976 we bought a pair of pewter wine goblets from Doug Shenstone, who was a master pewtersmith and l found my avocation.“