Jennifer Hoy

Jennifer Hoy

With a tendency toward the weird and the wonderful, Almonte-based Jennifer Hoy is always experimenting. Never afraid to try something new, Jennifer creates wearable art pieces in wool and copper using age-old techniques. Her creations meet at the cross-roads of whimsy and history.

Fairy, Wizard, gnome, creative, weird or wonderful, Jennifer’s nålbound* hats, mitts and scarves are warm and fun, perfect for winter.

In copper, Jennifer creates shawl pins and pendants that invite you to ponder the twists and turns of the meandering path we tread. Earthy and beautiful, each a unique expression of the road of life.

Jennifer hopes that people will find as much delight in owning a nålbound or copper piece as the delight she took in crafting it.

“Working with our hands allows us to feel the textures of our materials, just like people have throughout time in their attempt to create the practical in a beautiful new way.”

*Nalbinding uses wool, or feltable, yarn, and a large eye needle. Nalbinding predates knitting and is done with 1–3-yard lengths of yarn.